Why Choose Stuart Penrose

Stuart Penrose would be regarded as one of Northern Irelands leading roofing contractors. With over 30 years in the domestic roofing market. Stuart Penrose Roofing were the first to introduce the roof adoption cover ,giving the domestic customer complete peace of mind.
Stuart Penrose has been setting the standard in the roofing industry for over three decades and has been entrusted with some of Irelands most iconic heritage buildings.
St Georges Market ( Belfast) The last surviving Victorian covered market in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Queens University Belfast
Full List of heritage and iconic building completed by Stuart Penrose
Most recently the award winning Ormiston House belfast
Stuart Penrose streamlined the business in 2007 and turned his attention to the domestic roofing sector, an area that had suffered from poor regulation and a lack of professionalism “ I was receiving an alarming number of calls from homeowners that had fallen victim to the rogue element that has become synonymous with our industry” Stuart Penrose
Stuart`s approach to the domestic market mirrored that of his reputation in the heritage sector and he was awarded Domestic Roofing contactor of the year 2019 based on customer reviews.
Read customer Reviews 2022 below
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